Do you want to start a podcast? Not sure how to begin? How on earth do you get on iTunes? Where do you host it? What if you don't even know how to record yourself, or know what kind of mic to get?

All of this, and more, is covered in the Podcast Bootcamp, available in the Passionista Accelerator Academy for enrolled students. We go through the process of creating a show, recording it, uploading to a hosting service, and submitting to iTunes, in four modules (consisting of videos and worksheets). 

Banish the fear of the 'cast! You'll be a 'cast master when you're finished with this course!

*Available as part of the Passionista Accelerator Academy*

About the instructor

Writer, Podcaster, Storyteller & Adventurer Heather Teysko

Heather Teysko has been writing online since 1998 when she built a website on Colonial American History that hit #1 on Yahoo. She has also been coaching consultants and women business owners since 1997. Heather has lived and worked in London, NYC, Los Angeles, rural Spain, and Nashville TN, among other places, with a career that bridges education and technology. She is passionate about empowering other artists, writers, musicians, and creatives to complete, share, and monetize their passions, and combines a fanatical love of technology with creativity and enthusiasm that make her courses exciting and filled with practical information that will propel you towards your goals.

Course Curriculum

    1. The NEW Podcast Bootcamp - 2019 Edition - Module One

    2. Podcast Bootcamp Module One PDF Worksheet

    3. Podcast Bootcamp Module Two: Recording your show in Audacity

    4. Module Two PDF

    5. Podcast Bootcamp Module Three: Choosing a hosting company, and the process of uploading an episode

    6. Module Three PDF

    7. Module Four Video

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content