Let me ask you a question: 
How many times have you been told that your passion, interest, or hobby is too niche to make money from? Or, that there's a set career path for people with your interests. That you should just be able to enjoy having it as a hobby, and not expect that you can turn it into a business.

If you have a story to tell, a passion you want to share, and yet you haven't been able to figure out how to monetize it, you belong in the Passionista Academy.

George Bernard Shaw said, “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live." 

Hey there, I'm Heather. I'm from Amish Country, Pennsylvania, and in the past 20 years I've lived in London, NYC, Los Angeles, and now, rural Spain. For me, my passion is history. I've been writing about history on the web since I built my first history website in 1998. Everyone told me that if I wanted to "do history" there was a prescribed career path - I could be a teacher, or an academic, and maybe write books. Or work in a museum. Neither of those called to me. I wanted to be more entrepreneurial and free, and not stifled by bureaucracy.

So almost four years ago I left a six figure job as the assistant director of California's largest library consortium to pursue that passion. I wanted to see if I could make a living surrounded by history, music, and travel. 

Three years later, I have: 

- A successful online shop selling Tudor Swag (over $110,000 in revenue in 2018)
- created the first Tudor-themed day planner/diary, which was funded in 2018 through an indiegogo crowdfunding campaign funded at 140%.
- An online radio station devoted to Tudor history
- 60,000 downloads a month on my podcast
- created the first ever online virtual Tudor Summit, which now happens twice a year
- created the daily Tudor Minute on the Amazon Alexa platform
- and now I'm launching the first ever TudorCon in person live event, with 1/3 of the tickets sold in the first month, without even having speakers confirmed.

Now I'm putting everything I've learned - how to sell on Shopify, source products, do Facebook ads, Pinterest ads, online summits, crowdfunding, podcasts - into the Passionista Accelerator Academy where women like you who are passionate about their art or message can learn how to grow, serve, and deeply connect with audiences. And move your passion from a hobby to a business. Plus I've teamed up with other experts to add in even more depth in things like self publishing, Instagram, and mindset hacks.

Here's what people have said about my courses:

Who is the Passionista Accelerator Academy for?
- women who have a passion. Whether it's visual art, writing, sculpting, gardening, pottery, roundabouts in Wales... it doesn't matter. If you have a passion, there are ways you can monetize that passion. This Academy shows you the ways you can build your audience, deeply connect with them, and then give them opportunities to support you.

- women who are committed to taking risks, putting themselves out there, and making it happen. The Passionista Accelerator Academy gives you the tools. But you have to do the work.

Who is the Passionista Accelerator Academy NOT for?
- People who are just looking for a quick Shopify course, think they're going to set up a generic drop shipping store, put it on auto, and make profits in their sleep. This isn't that.

- People who aren't willing to do the work. A toolbox won't actually build the house for you, no matter how many fancy tools you have, until you do the work. But at the same time, without the tools, it doesn't matter how hard you work, you're going to wind up with pieces of wood in a big pile. The tools go hand in hand with the work. I'm providing tools. A lot of great ones. What you do with them is up to you. 

Here's what you get once you join:
- lifetime access to the growing course library, including the ecommerce course which is a full 6-module course covering all aspects of setting up an ecommerce shop from connecting with your ideal  client to create products they love, to setting up your shop on Shopify, and other models, like subscription boxes. As new courses are added, you will get access to those as well. 

Make 12 payments, and receive lifetime access.

- Weekly video calls with the group and me

- A supportive Facebook group where you can share your progress and get ideas, and connect with each other.

"Heather's course will make the process of owning your own Shopify store a total cinch - However this is so much more than just a Shopify course as Heather takes a big picture view of not only creating a Shopify store but using it as a tool to boost your online visibility, increase your subscribers and whoosh your way to impact, profits and so much more! Heather is a great teacher, uber patient and really walks you through this process - the private Facebook group is wonderful and totally supportive. I am so glad I signed up for this course. "
- Joanna Hunter, Spiritual Life and Business Coach

Sign up now to get access to the existing courses, and the growing library. 12 payments of $47 will get you lifetime access, to all the courses, for the rest of the Academy's existence.

Can't wait to see you in the Passionista Accelerator Academy!

*The No-Risk Return Policy* - if you aren't happy with the value of what you've purchased, I offer a full refund within the first 30 days, provided that you show me that you've actually done work in the courses.